Set Your Intention (Gratitude)

What we focus on is where our mind is directed. For example, if we are focusing on the struggles around us, we are more likely to see a struggle than something that might bring us joy! WE DON’T EVEN SEE IT! I have stopped watching the news. Why? I am so sick of...

What I Can Control is ME!

When we are angry, frustrated, and feel stuck, it is often because we feel out of control. Most of the time, it is a valid feeling. We are trying to control, what is not ours to control. Wanting control over a situation doesn’t make it under our control. As the...

Uncertainty & Positives

Most of us entered into the year 2020 like we do most other years. Some had some expectations and goals for the year. Some were looking forward to graduations in the family, vacations, concerts and other events. By mid March we realized most of those events would...

Changing the Cycle of Anger

As we live in unusual Covid 19 pandemic times, there have been unimaginable changes in our everyday lifestyles. And as human nature goes, we are more likely than not to resist change. A common reaction to having to change is anger. Add in excessively warm temperatures...