Months ago I wrote about ways to survive the stress of Covid 19. I never imagined 5 months later we would still be experiencing daily uncertainty; product shortages; face masks as the newest fashion trend; sports without fans, cancelled concerts and other events and school learning not in classrooms but at home! I also could not imagine the degree of civil unrest! There is no one who has escaped the impacted of our current world condition.

What that means to all of us is a sense of uncertainty and lack of control. I’d like to share some ways you can bring some security and control to a time of turmoil!

  1. While you cannot control other people, you can control how you respond to others.
  2. You cannot control the circumstances around you, but you can control how you respond to them.
  3. Stay present. Don’t allow your mind to drift back to a past you cannot change or forward to a future that is unknown.
  4. Minimize your time and attention to news and social media. Everyone has an opinion and not everything on the internet is true!
  5. Take responsibility for yourself and when others upset you – Let that stuff go! (Refer to number 1)
  6. Take time for yourself. Make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep and eat three health meals. Take a walk.
  7. When you sense you are becoming anxious, overwhelmed or stressed, take three slow, deep breaths. I’t like a reset button!
  8. If you need help, seek resources. We don’t need to be super heroes.

If you need addition resources or assistant, please reach out to me and I’ll help however I can!