What we focus on is where our mind is directed. For example, if we are focusing on the struggles around us, we are more likely to see a struggle than something that might bring us joy! WE DON’T EVEN SEE IT!

I have stopped watching the news. Why? I am so sick of hearing about sensationalized negative situations. I’m not avoiding, as I do skim over the newspaper so I know what is happening locally, nationally, and internationally. I just don’t want to be saturated with negatives. There are good things happening around us. We just have to look and be open to hearing and seeing them! So how do we do that?

Set your intentions on things you are grateful about. For example, I could think about all the things that are on my agenda for the week, or I could focus on all the opportunities that are available to accomplish this week. And when you get discouraged, disappointed, encounter a challenge, then follow it up with a gratitude statement. You might have the thought about how disappointed you are about how you can’t take a vacation this year but then follow it up with how lucky you are to explore some nature parks near you or how you have time to put into something on your to do list! Or to be grateful for the time spent at home with your family!

I challenge you to take this week to find the things you are grateful for and see if your mood changes. Are you seeing more and more things that bring you joy? Do you notice the things you take for granted, food, home, clothes, transportation, people?