When we are angry, frustrated, and feel stuck, it is often because we feel out of control. Most of the time, it is a valid feeling. We are trying to control, what is not ours to control. Wanting control over a situation doesn’t make it under our control. As the saying goes, “Life Happens.” We don’t have control over weather, national disasters, viruses, what other people say or do. We do have control over ourselves, what we do and say and how we respond to people and situations around us.

We can choose to stay stuck in frustration over things out of our control or we can choose to move forward. We have that control! I’m reminded of a couple things my kids used to say when they were young:

“You’re not the boss of me.” and “You can’t tell me what to do.” I heard this when they were arguing with each other. And they were right. We don’t have a choice what others say to us, but we also do not have to take their words as our own. We get to make that choice and we have that control (of course we also will receive the consequences but that is another article!).

Another thing I heard while in the car, “Mom, he’s looking out my window.” So I may have laughed a little at his statement, but we cannot control where other people look, even if it is at us or our window!

While these examples may seem funny, they point out the extremes when viewed with simplicity. While we may WANT things a certain way, we do not have CONTROL over all things. It is a waste of time, energy and our own mental well-being to focus on what is not under our ability to change or control. Let that stuff go! Instead, focus on yourself and what you can control! You will feel more empowered and happier! You will find results and satisfaction!