How often have you felt so overwhelmed that you did not even know where to begin? So overwhelmed, you were immobilized? So, overwhelmed, you were stuck? And then the pressure from being stuck in place added more stress, worry and anxiety?
As a counselor, I’d love to tell you that never happens to me! In all honesty, it does. I know the feelings and I know how to relieve it! I just don’t always acknowledge the sense of being overwhelmed. That is the key-when you start feeling overwhelmed, whatever you indicator is (upset stomach, mind racing, sweating palms, unable to figure out your next step), recognize this as a sign of your body telling you to STOP. What you are doing isn’t working. You need to stop, take a step back, reorganize, and proceed-with one thing only!
Let’s face it, we live in a fast paced society, demanding answers immediately. It is not unusual to have more than one job, be involved in a couple organizations, and run your household. Being spread too thin is often what leads to the sense of being overwhelmed. The answer is to not spin around and around and try to be great at everything all at once. Prioritize and proceed accordingly.
As you travel along your path, may you stop in place when you are overwhelmed, take a moment to organize and prioritize, and then proceed accordingly!