Stress of the Season

Stress of the Season

It’s the weekend – you enter into the traffic, you search around and around for a parking space, you walk into the very crowded mall and you search for those perfect gifts and spend money that will set you into a heart attach when the bills come in...

Be Humble (even if Famous)!

Have you ever been introduced to someone important at work, or a professional athlete or someone famous? Famous could mean someone locally, nationally or even globally. How did they treat you? Did you get a sense that this was just something they had to do or were...

No Comparison Here!

It wasn’t until about a week ago, when my life coach (yes, even a counselor can learn more about herself!) pointed out that I compare myself to others. I had not realized this! I journaled about it, reflected upon it, even came to some conclusions about when and...

Serve Your Community!

When I was growing up, my dad was in numerous volunteer organizations as well as some elected positions. He was known in our community both professionally and for his service. I grew up thinking that service to your community is just what people do! After all, if we...

Quiet Please!

When I was in college a bunch of my girlfriends and I took a yoga class. It is probably the one class I still put into practice today! Over the years, I have explored yoga, meditation, reiki, and mindfulness. All these “zen” practices have a common thread...