Years ago I was so angry with someone who spoke untruthfully about my husband which had an impact on both him and our son. I held on tight to that anger for years. I would see the person around town and just steam with anger. Ironically, my husband was certainly hurt but didn’t seem to carry around the burden of anger like I did. And yes, anger is a burdern!

Finally, I wrote the person forgiving him. I did this for me, not him. The reality is that I could do nothing about his actions and reactions. But I could control my own actions and reactions. I choose to forgive so I could let go of the weight and burden! I chose to forgive so I could be free.

There is a correlation between anger and injustice and forgiveness! It involves our own perspectives of what might have been said or done. We feel an injustice, which leads to anger. The anger weighs us down. Many times, the other person is not even aware of our heavy burden of anger. They are merrily going along their way. It does not matter if they accept your forgiveness because again, forgiveness is what in your control. Acceptance is in their’s. Ultimately, forgiveness is for and about you. It allows you to move forward, free of carrying around an emotional response toward another person or situation. It is freeing. It makes way for you to experience the joy that is right in front of you!

Anger, hurt, feeling an injustice hurts us. Forgiving someone opens a path to healing.

May you find healing in forgiving as you journey forward!