While I have lived through several national disasters, never could I imagine the impact the damage to the world that the current pandemic is causing! We are living in a time of what past movies were made of! Countries are not only closing their borders, but are closing down dining and gatherings and warning people to isolate themselves in their homes. Businesses are shutting down, some voluntarily and some imposed; school are closed; the stock market is crashing.

Okay so that is the bad news. Is there any good news you ask? Why yes there is! Families have the opportunity to gather. Some of us get to work from home.

Here are some suggestions to help you get through this challenging time:

  1. Take a deep, slow, breath.
  2. Get Creative
  3. Focus on Yourself
  4. Practice patience over panic
  5. Physical Distancing not Social Distancing

To learn more about these 5 suggestions, go the front page of my website and provide your email to receive more information. (this should be available by 3.18.20)

In the meantime, use this time to enjoy your family, reevaluate your business, and see the world uniting over a common threat (this seems like a miracle)! Stay safe all!