It wasn’t until about a week ago, when my life coach (yes, even a counselor can learn more about herself!) pointed out that I compare myself to others. I had not realized this! I journaled about it, reflected upon it, even came to some conclusions about when and why it started. And then, I woke up Monday and decided-NO MORE. What a weight off my shoulders!

I believe most people who know me would be surprised that I compared myself to others. You might also be surprised that I am opening up about something that may appear to make me vulnerable. Well I realized years about that if I don’t share these personal experiences, how can I expect others, whether family, friend or client, to do the same!?!

So yes, I get self-conscious, insecure and question myself. Just like we all do at times. My favorite quote has always been “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” by Eleanor Roosevelt. And why would I want to give that consent away?

As May is Mental Health Month, I hope to share that it is okay to take note of our struggles. It is also refreshing that when we recognize them, we can work on letting them go. I did catch myself earlier today to begin a comparison and I immediately stopped and let it go. Again, so freeing! And I then can give myself that elusive permission to just be me!

You, after all, can only be you. You are not in competition. The world often leads us to believe we are. But ultimately, if we stay focused on our own lane, other lanes do not matter!

As you journey along your path, don’t worry about anyone else’s path!