Use Your Words Carefully!

One of the most exciting things for new parents is when their child says it’s first word.  Words, sharing our thoughts out loud, and the intent behind them are critical to our human functioning.  With our words, we bind ourselves closer to some, while breaking all potential bonds with others.

Think for a moment how we use our words, even the same words, to imply different things.  For example, you are at home with your spouse and say “You are the best, honey.”  You are at work and ask a friendly coworker to help you with a project and say “You are just the best!”  A group of friends are gathered and you are not fond of one of them and after they brag about something you respond with a sarcastic smirk, “Yeah, you’re best.”   In the three examples, one is said out of love, one out of appreciation and friendship and the final one with disdain.  The words are basically the same but with three completely different meanings.

The point is to show that it is not only the words we use, but how we say them.  Our volume, tone, connotation of the discussion, body language, relationship, etc all have an impact on what the words are trying to convey.  All of these qualifiers need to be quickly assessed into our interpretation of what is the intent behind the words.  We often do this quickly without even realizing we are processing all the information.  Unfortunately, we also sometimes misread or interpret inaccurately.

Another factor is how our words impact others.  We can choose to freely offer encouragement or confrontation.   I think most of us have heard, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.”

We all benefit from carefully choosing our words knowing the context and impact these words will have on others.

May the words you share along your path bring peace to you and others.