While I would not encourage anyone to focus on their past, you can learn from and reflect on your past, in order to move forward more productively. Rarely do we take the time to reflect. In fact, most people do not like to reflect on what was. Sometimes, because they have experienced trauma or tragedy. Sometimes, they regret past decisions. Sometimes they just don’t take the time.
How is reflection beneficial? First, quiet time is always beneficial. We live in a time of fast paced activities, information and distraction. Most people are uncomfortable when it is quiet. And yet that quiet space and time allows you to reflect on your day; on what worked from your past; what didn’t work; goals for the day; and just time for yourself.
When we focus and reflect on our blessings instead of our challenges, we set ourselves on a positive path. While we all have had challenges, some much more than others, some get stuck in that tragedy and trauma. Starting or ending our day with a reflection on what went right, what was a blessing, what we have learned, can change you disposition moving forward.
So take some time to reflect on your life. Take time for you!
May your reflections guide your path!