Every so often I feel the need to change things up in my life.  It might be to rearrange furniture, add in walking to my day, trying out a new art project or even adding a little meditation.  Sometimes I keep this new habit and sometimes I try it out and realize it isn’t for me.  We are all creatures of change, even though we often resist change.  Life changes all around us and as a result we change as well.  It is with the purposeful intent of change that we often find ourselves struggling.

It typically takes about 66 days to create and establish a new behavior.  Along that journey, you might miss a day or feel overwhelmed, or get frustrated.  The journey is as important as the goal and outcome.  You learn about yourself.  You fall down, you get up.  You try again.

I’m re-establishing a habit I had for years but let go of somewhere along the way.  I’m adding to it a time for meditation as well.  I want to start my day off in a place of peace and positivity.  So maybe I’ll be getting up earlier than I’d like, but I think it will be worth the effort.  Maybe I’ll find a little more patience or  peace throughout my day after starting it differently.  I have no expectations of what will happen but am committed to establishing this new habit of prayer and meditation each day.

I wish you a journey of change with whatever new habit you want to create!

May your path be filled with new habits and changes as needed while on your journey of life!