About five years ago, the unthinkable happened:  My son attempted (but survived) suicide.  The pain and suffering that pursued for not only my son, but for myself, his father and siblings, was beyond words.  So we kept on as best we could.  About a year later, I realized I could no longer keep that bottled up inside.  As a result I began the journey of releasing my pain by writing about it in a private journal.  I needed to get that “stuff” that was bottled up out in the open.  I felt better and learned first hand how releasing all that “stuff” was helping me, both mentally and physically!  Sure I had told clients about doing just that, but this was the first time I realized that personally it is not only a good thing to do, it is essential to moving onward from a tragedy!

As I continued to write, I realized I not only had a story to tell but could hopefully help others if I shared my story.  So that is what I did-I turned my pain and journaling into a book.  For more information on how to obtain the book, please see the HOME page on my website www.captureyourpath.com.

The point though is that we all have a story.  You may not have experienced a tragedy but we all experience happiness and pain, joy and sorry, life and loss.  While you may not want to share your story in the form of a book, it is good practice to not let things get bottled up inside ourselves.  The important thing is that there is a release!  Be it in the form of a story to tell or write, shared to one person or many, just the freeing of what is churning around inside you, keeping you captive.

May you tell your story as you journey along your path!