Nobody wants to say the word, hear it, or discuss it… SUICIDE! It has a giant box around it that scream stigma, stay away! And when it touches your life, you are changed forever.
Well it touched my life seven years ago when my own son attempted suicide. He survived and is thriving today. But our family will forever be changed. I share my son’s story and my reactions, as a mother and therapist, in a book titled, My Journey to Hell, A Story of Love, Loss & Hope. (Available on Amazon). My passion now is to help with Suicide Prevention as well as counseling those who are struggling with suicide, their families as well as families who have lost someone to suicide. I fight the stigma! I fight to offer HOPE!
While no one wants to talk about suicide, the minute it is brought up, it is likely everyone around will be able to acknowledge they know someone who has attempted or completed suicide. Yet, it is misunderstood, full of stigma attachments, and not recognized as preventable. How is it preventable you ask? It is quite easy. Become aware of the symptoms, and when you see them, ask if the person is struggling and/or suicidal.
Asking if someone is suicidal may be the key to letting them know someone cares; and if they are not already suicidal it won’t make them suicidal!
As a society, we need to make mental health as important as physical health. We need to recognize that it is okay to ask for help when you are struggling. That is strength, not weakness.
September 8-14, 2019 is Suicide Prevention Week. Start the conversation and let’s join in fighting the stigma and encouraging those who need help to get it!
May your path find you supporting others who suffer with the unbearable pain of suicide!