After a particularly challenging couple of weeks of work, I was able to leave town with some amazing women and pursue 4 days of my favorite hobby!  I left behind, the constant care of my puppy, the phone calls, emails, commitments and surrounded myself with the things that help me restore my energy!  I returned home ready to take on my business, my commitments and my puppy!

While you might not be able to physically get away, we can all take the time to rest, relax, and restore ourselves.  The mind and body are so closely intertwined.  While we recognize the need to get a good night sleep, each and every night, we do not give the same priority to resting and refreshing our mind.  Sure our mind does get to “rest” while we sleep, but often the experiences of our day, including any concerns and worries, are swirling around our mind while we sleep.  We need to consciously set aside the worry of the day, the challenges, frustrations, etc. and partake in activities that we enjoy.  We are then able to relax.  After we relax, our minds are refreshed.  And when we have that reset, the challenges may seem smaller, new ideas materialize and work gets done faster!

So take time each day to allow yourself time to rest, relax, reset and restore!  Maybe it is 10 minutes to do a cross-word puzzle; or 30 minutes to take a walk.  No matter the amount of time or the activity, give yourself this gift.

May your path finding you able to rest, relax, reset and restore yourself!