As we are about to close on the first month of the year, let’s us this time to reflect… Are you still following your New Year Resolution? Most people are not. I encourage clients to not make resolutions but rather make strategic goals for the year. I also encourage a “word of the year” to act as an overall guide to direct you throughout the year. I’d like to add one more item to that list this year. I call it “My One Thing.”

Most people have calendars, or planners with their appointments, both person and professional. Often we have items we want to personally accomplish, as well as professional expectations. But more often than not, those are out in the distance. What about thinking a little closer to now? For example, My One Thing, for this day is__________? Or My One Thing for this week is___________?

And why would you want to do this? Because we all need to feel like we are achieving success in small ways as we seek those distant goals. We need to empower ourselves, and do it often. Life is fragile and our self-esteem can get battered, if we are not identifying our successes.

On another note, My One Thing may include a change or habit or even a long term goal that records your daily or weekly progress. Building upon these daily or weekly “things” will allow you to feel good about yourself and build your self esteem!

May your path be filled with many good “things”.