Have you ever made a mistake? Have you regretted your words or actions? I sure have! After all, none of us are perfect!
Some people let those “mistakes” bring them down emotionally. Some have deep regret; some keep making the same mistakes over and over;and others become immune to how their words and actions impact others. None of those options are healthy.
I encourage you to seek the lesson when we have not lived up to our potential. Life is all about learning and changing. The more we experience, the more we know and the better we can respond to what is around us.
From that perspective, there are no mistakes, just lessons learned. Embracing an outlook of learning is so much more positive and encouraging. I’m not saying there will be no consequences or that amends do not need to be made, but through our “mistakes” there is a lesson to be learned as well!
May you embrace the “lessons” you encounter along your path!