Learning Daily
When we were younger and in school we learned new things daily. Or at least that was the goal! As we grew older we might take note that in a new job we learned the company’s procedures, or in a new relationship we learned about the person. Have you ever realized though that each day we are presented with learning opportunities? While they may not come from a book or lecture, they are often just if not more valuable.
Life has a way of presenting us with not only happy moments to cherish but painful, challenging situations. Those are the times we are being presented with the choice to either let the pain, anger or frustration cripple us or to use those feelings as a platform to apply to the future. As a child we learned that putting a hand near a hot stove top was painful and learned to avoid it in the future. The same theory applies today. We learn to create opportunities that bring joy and happiness and avoid those that are painful.
Each day we are presented with the opportunity to learn and grow. Or to become stagnant and overwhelmed. Choose wisely!
May you see opportunities for learning along your path each day!