It is easy to accept assistance when you are pushing a stroller and need someone to hold the door open for you. As is waving you ahead at an intersection when you both get there at the same time. After all, these just seem like polite things to do. But what about allowing someone to make you dinner when you are sick? Or to drive you to a doctor’s appointment? Often we find ourselves reluctant to accepting the help.

Years ago, when I was recovering from major surgery, my friends arranged for dinners to be delivered to my family. One friend even came over and worked in the hot sun planting flowers. I was overwhelmed with the help I was receiving. I kept thinking it was such an imposition to others. But then I started to see it from their eyes. They wanted to help. They were giving me a gift. Who am I to refuse their kindness? After all, I would gladly to the same for them.

When we humbly accept the help that others offer, it is not selfish. Rather it is respecting their joy at helping. If they did not want to assist, then they would not offer. We deny them the ability to do something that will bring them joy if we do not allow their help. As human beings, we should be helping each other. It makes everyone’s’ burden lighter!

So the next time you some help, go ahead and ask. And whether you have to ask or it is simply offered, smile and say thank you! You are not being selfish! We all need a little help from our friends!

May your path allow you to graciously accept help!