The concept of trust is interesting.  You give and receive trust.  It can be broken in a heartbeat.  There is wisdom in withholding trust.  Some can easily give trust yet some need proof before they will give it.  Receiving trust is a responsibility.

While most people innately trust family members, there are those with addictions and other mental health issues that make trusting even a family member almost impossible.

You hope you can trust your secrets with your best friends.

Once someone has put their trust in you, you have the power to cherish it like a gift or destroy the trust by disclosure to others.

While trust can initially be given easily, once broken, repair is not so easy.  Actually repair may never happen, take years, or forever be partial trust.

So in summary, we need to trust some but need to be cautious trusting others.  There are no rules or guarantees.  Our life experiences and internal instincts are our guide.

May your path be filled with those who deserve your trust and may you cherish the trust others have in you!