Coming from a family that has always been involved in politics, being a Congressional Intern one summer, getting a political science degree, working at the state Capitol for years and having served as Alderwoman for almost 16 years in my community, I love the 4th of July!  I love our government!  Ok, sure there have been some less than honorable elected officials, morals that were evasive, and not so good choices.  But I’m not really talking about the elected officials.  I am praising the origination and creativity of the government structure.  It’s not perfect, nothing is, but it is amendable.  It has lasted longer than any other government.  It is based on freedoms, not oppression.  It is based on representation, not dictatorship.

I am so proud to be from the United States of America.  And I love fireworks.  To me they are a symbol and reminder of our flag flying high in the midst of battle and cannon fire lighting up the sky.  The fireworks are loud and bright and beautiful.  Just like our country.  Our liberty prevails as the sky is lite with color.  Our freedom and liberty continues!

May you enjoy the fireworks each July 4 and be reminded of the freedom and liberty that abounds!