Like most people, there are things from my past that I wish I had done differently or not done at all! Are those mistakes? While others may consider them mistakes, I see them as lessons learned!

Throughout our life we will grow physically as well as mentally and emotionally. Life is ever-changing. As a result, we can’t help but change as well. Following this line of thought, it would be inconceivable if we were always “perfect” in our responses to what life threw our way!

So while we journey along life, we need to appreciate those mishaps as a means to learn. If we don’t learn from them, well then, that is a choice that will lead us to dark places. Instead though, if we learn from our mistake or choice then it becomes a positive attribute.

Of course there are many forms of learning: knowledge that is taught; knowledge that is learned; knowledge that is experienced. The point is that by merely living our life, we are evolving and changing and adapting and learning. We can use that knowledge for the good of ourselves and the good of others.

Be open to the lessons life gives you. Embrace them, even when you are struggling. While that may seem unrealistic and foolish, you cannot always stop or prevent the harshness of life, but you can use it as a tool to make yourself better, stronger, more confident.

May you learn and embrace the life lessons along your path.