During the holidays, especially Christmas, we gather together with family.  Most family members have undesignated roles to play.  They were never assigned, but rather we fall into them by way of our personalities, expectations, and even need of the family.  Some common roles are the comedian, who lightens the mood when things get tense; the leader, often a parent; the emotional one; the peace-keeper; the trouble-maker who is often the black sheep; the care-taker, often the mother.  Of course each family has their own dynamics and roles.

So often when all are gathered, we fall into our designated role.  We enjoy our family with all the history and memories, we commiserate, we laugh, we cry.  More memories are created.  We love each other and thrive.

But in some families, there is constant stress and challenges.  Key roles are missing.  Love is challenged.

So as we move past onto the New Year, recognize that our family plays an important part of who we are and who we become.  Most often, even when we are faced with challenging family situations, those very family members are the ones to always have our back.  Be patient with each other; forgive; find peace; and love!

As family members come and go along your path, seek peace, patience, and love.