We are creatures of survival. It’s in our nature to protect ourselves. Not just from Lions, Tigers, and Bears (oh my), but from anything or anyone who might cause us harm or distress. It is in our own best interest to know that invisible line that takes us from feeling comfortable to uneasy, or even hurt, angry or frustrated. We all have different limits and priorities. When we are clear on our boundaries, we are protecting ourselves from harm.
One definition of Personal Boundaries: guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits. They are built out of a mix of conclusions, beliefs, opinions, attitudes, past experiences and social learning. (Wikipedia)
For example, even though I am an affectionate person, I need personal space. When I am in a line, and someone crosses that invisible line, I get anxious. Another example, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I will believe, or trust, or befriend another until they have proven to ME (not someone else), they are not to be believed or trusted. But once trust is broken, it will be hard to mend that line. In other words, one of my boundary lines is honesty. I hold it in high value.
Boundaries do not always have to be rigid. Life itself is fluid so we need to adapt. But when we know our general guidelines, we can be more confident in how we handle difficult situations. It is not about the other person. It is about our own standards and making sure we know how to proceed, to protect ourselves from going astray, from being in an uncompromising situation, or even from feeling uncomfortable and anxious. Others may take offense but our own dignity will be preserved!
May the boundaries of your path keep you on track, both physically and mentally!