Grief can come in many forms-death of a loved one, loss of a relationship, ending of a dream. The process of grief is also different for all. The common denominator though is the pain of the loss and the process through to a new normal.
I wish there were a switch that allowed someone a given amount of time to grieve their loss and after reaching that milestone, they could let all the pain go. Life has no such switch however. There is no predictor that identifies, what will lessen the grief, how long it will last, what will trigger reminders, and a how-to to recover.
What I do know is that you must go through the grieving process. It takes time.
What I do know is that you must seek a new normal.
What I do know is that there will always be a hole in your heart.
What I do know is that day by day, minute by minute you will change. You will cope. You will find a way to live a different life than the one you had envisioned and planned. Finding your inner strength, you will find yourself growing each day. Not by choice but by perseverance.
Focus on the joy and memories that bring a smile to your face. Cherish those. Use them to propel you forward. Do whatever it is that will help you move forward.
May your path find you persevering through your grief.