Have you ever thought about what it would be like if we had a “refresh” button on our lives?  Like our computer screen, it would all go blank for a fraction of a second and then we would have a blank page to start over.  I can definitely think of a few times I would have utilized that button!  Most of the memories/choices/decisions are from my teens and twenties.  As an adult looking back, I would have made a few different choices.  But then again…

Unlike the computer, in reality we can not have a redo or do-over.  In most cases those times we would rather forget or we regret have actually made us who we are today.  They have taught us a lesson, made us stronger, became a part of who we are and how we think today.  Without our past experiences we would not be who we are today.  Sure I had some tears, regrets, and misgivings but I also know without those times I would have liked to “refresh” I am able to be a better person today.  I would not want to go back and relive them.  I just want to continue forward.  As the saying goes, “Live and Learn.”

As you meander down your path, don’t look for the “refresh” button but rather learn from those experiences and move along!