There are many situations in life when we just do not know what the future holds. Will you get a job after college? Will you like your job after you accept? Will you be a good parent? Will you be able to afford your new car? The list can go on and on.

A week ago while moving across country, my son was in a weather related car accident. While the car, which was totaled, can be replaced, his dog ran off and has not been found. My mind, as well as my son’s, went to worse case scenarios. We were in fear that he was scared, hungry, in danger. While those were and still are possibilities, fearing the unknown circumstances of his dog did nothing constructive.

Instead of letting us sit in our fear, we took action. My son had to leave the area and continue his journey across the country. I had my own commitments. He reached out to Animal Control – Facebook has been a valuable tool; spreading the word to anyone and everyone. While we still don’t have any word on where his poor dog is, the point is that we did not stay stuck in fear but we faced it and took action.

Sure, we are all faced with fear of the unknown. It can cripple you if you let it. We all have the choice on whether we wallow in fear, staying stuck or we face it and move forward.

May you face your fears along your path and just keep moving.