Do you know what you are doing tomorrow or even today? Do you have a plan? Do you know your priorities?

I am all in favor of flexibility and going with the flow, but when we want to accomplish something, it is essential for you to pay attention to your priorities, whether that be a quality of life or a project!

There are different levels of priorities, such as family, faith, friends, and business. Then there are the priorities of a goal, dream, project, etc. Sometimes we prioritize without much thought, such as “I am hungry so I am going to eat breakfast before I shower this morning.” Or, “I need to return this call to get the information I need prior to writing the report.” Often our values with help guide us in setting our values, such as “I need to finish this project before I will sit and read that new book.” Or, “I need to play a game with my child before I do laundry.”

Why is it important to set priorities? First, in order to be productive, you need to know where to start and give your direction. Second, it will lead you to and enable you to accomplish your goals. You will be productive. You will succeed.

May you set your priorities for your path and find the success you are working toward!